Fire ants can be identified by a few distinguishing features. Fire ants are copper brown in colour with a darker abdomen, quite small at 2 – 6 mm and they are found in a variety of sizes within the one nest. Fire ant nests can appear as dome-shaped mounds or be flat and look like a small patch of disturbed soil and nests have no obvious entry or exit holes. When checking suspicious ant nests gently poke the nest with a long stick and observe the ants that come out. Fire ants are aggressive so be careful not to get too close to the nest as they swarm when disturbed and have a very painful sting.
Fire ant nests are often found in open areas, lawns, pastures, along roadsides and unused cropland. Areas to keep an eye out for fire ant nests include footpaths, driveways, fence lines, garden beds, near water sources, utility pits, water and gas metres, dams and irrigation lines, edges of cultivated land, piles of organic matter, timber, rocks, pavers, logs and bricks.
Fire ants are known to swarm from nests and all stings together repeatedly producing a painful sting which leaves a burning or itching sensation on the skin that can last up to an hour. The stings caused by fire ants can cause severe burning or fiery sensation, swelling and redness.
You can keep family, friends and pets safe by treating your yard for fire ants. Your yard can be treated for fire ants whether they are present or not. Undertaking proactive preventative treatments to reduce the risk of fire ants locating to your property is a great practice particularly in highly susceptible hot spot areas. If fire ants are located on your property early intervention and treatment is recommended to eradicate the fire ants and will assist from further nests being built and increased infestation of your property.